Register for Application Assistance | Digital Museums Canada

Register for Application Assistance

Explore the initiatives DMC offers to support the application process. Attend an Information Session, drop in to Office Hours, or apply for a Mentorship Chat.

Application Assistance

Want to learn more about the DMC investment program or strengthen your proposal? Here are the ways DMC offers support during the application process.

Information Sessions

Attend a one-hour virtual presentation to

  • learn about the investment stream;
  • understand organization and project eligibility;
  • find out more about the application process; and
  • gain insight into key criteria that can make a difference in the success of an application.

Community Stories

Digital Projects

Office Hours (bilingual) 

Attend a one-hour, group drop-in session to ask a DMC Program Officer a specific question about your organization’s proposal.

Note: The Program Officer cannot answer subjective questions about whether your topic, subject or project would receive funding. An independent Advisory Committee selects the projects recommended for investment, so there are some limitations on the questions that can be asked.

Mentorship Chats

Selected eligible applicants attend a one-on-one, 30-minute meeting with a Program Officer to provide tailored help, answer questions, and strengthen the organization’s proposal.

This initiative is available to organizations applying to DMC for the first time and equity deserving groups as described in DMC’s Equity Statement.

Submit an expression of interest by October 7, 2024. Limited spaces are available. A draw will occur in the event there are more applicants than can be accommodated. Organizations will be notified by October 14, 2024.

Making the Most of the Office Hours and Mentorship Chats:

Here are guidelines to help you prepare your questions and get the most out of the time available:

DMC can answer questions on the following topics:

  • DMC program
  • Streams
  • Eligibility criteria (to do an official eligibility check you must submit online)
  • Application process
  • DMC deliverables / phases
  • Building a budget (reviewing drafts, providing feedback, missing elements)*
  • Building a timeline (reviewing drafts, providing feedback, missing elements)*
  • Building a project team (reviewing drafts, providing feedback, missing elements)*

* Mentorship Chats only

DMC cannot answer questions about:

Topic choices (e.g., Is this good? Would DMC fund this?)

  • Instead — Ask yourself: Is the subject relevant to your organization and your target audience? How do the topic, audience and user experience fit together?
  • Our FAQ has more information.

Target audience selections

Technology options (e.g., Should I use this technology or this tool for my project?)

  • Instead — We suggest you consult a web development agency to help answer this question.

Requests for Accommodation:

If you need sign language interpretation, please contact DMC at at least three weeks in advance. The email should include the date and time you will attend and whether you need ASL or LSQ. Unfortunately, due to a shortage of interpreters, there is a possibility your request may not be accommodated.

Application-related questions

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