Digital Museums Canada 2022 Call for proposals now open! | Digital Museums Canada

Digital Museums Canada 2022 Call for proposals now open!

15 June 2022

Digital Museums Canada (DMC) provides Canadian museums and heritage organizations with funding and support to create incredible online experiences for their current and future audiences. Starting today, June 15, 2022, eligible organizations are invited to apply for up to $250,000 in investment funding for digital projects.

DMC is the largest national investment program dedicated to supporting digital projects developed by Canadian museum and heritage organizations, such as virtual exhibits and tours, web-based games and educational resources, and more.

Museums and heritage organizations can access one of three investment streams:

To date, DMC has invested more than $15 million into more than 200 digital projects. Along with funding, DMC offers expert guidance in digital accessibility, user experience, and inclusive design.

The 2022 Call for proposals closes on December 1, 2022.

Visit to apply, and to explore some of the inspiring Canadian stories shared from Whitehorse to Victoria and St. John’s.

Managed by the Canadian Museum of History, Digital Museums Canada is a federally funded investment program that invests in online projects by Canadian museums and heritage organizations, helping them build digital capacity and share stories and experiences with people everywhere.

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