Science, National and Civic Identity, and Tourism at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria B.C. | Digital Museums Canada
A black and white photograph showing part of a 1.8 m telescope being hauled by horse-drawn wagon, with telescope dome and the Director’s residence in background

Science, National and Civic Identity, and Tourism at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria B.C.

Friends of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory 2024
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Canada’s greatest creation wasn’t hockey, but a stargazing giant! The telescope at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria – once considered the world’s largest – ignited national pride, boosted tourism, and fueled scientific breakthroughs. This beacon of astronomy not only peered deep into the cosmos, but also into the heart of a nation maturing on the world stage. Ready to discover how this telescope became a symbol of Canada’s scientific coming-of-age? Dive into our story!



Daniel Posey
Dennis Crabtree


English writer

Dennis Crabtree
Daniel Posey
Don Moffat

English editor

Gillian Saunders


French translator

Translation Bureau


Content integration and layout

Dennis Crabtree

Full credits